
National Pay Award 22/23 for Local Government Employees

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has been notified by the Local Government Association (LGA) that it has come to an agreement on the 2022/23 pay offer with the unions representing local government employees.

The unions met on 1 November 2022 and agreed to accept the offer. The terms of that agreement include the following:

With effect from 1 April 2022, an increase of £1,925 on all NJC pay points 1 and above.

With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of one day to all employees’ annual leave entitlement.


Enclosed are the NALC updated pay scales .

Annual Report for 2021/2022

The report will be presented to the Association's AGM on Saturday 8 October 2022

The Northumberland & Newcastle Local Councillor Census 2021

During September 2021, Member Councillors were invited to complete a census using the same questions as in 2017 and 2019.

These give an indication of the personal characteristics of parish, town and community councillors in Northumberland and Newcastle in September 2021.

The results were presented at the Association AGM on 9 October 2021 and will be considered in more depth by the County Committee at a future meeting.

The documents are

  • The responses to the questions
  • An initial analysis of the responses compared with previous years, the 2011 national census and a survey undertaken by the national NALC.

The initial results from the national 2021 Census are expected to start being published in Spring 2022.


May 2021 Northumberland's Local Council Elections

This is an analysis of the number of candidates, contested elections and vacancies at the time candidates were announced. With the resources availavle its accuracy is not guaranted.


This has been kindly provided by Cllr Rook - Blakelaw and North Fenham Community Council

1950s Reorganisation Orders

These orders were made in the 1950s reorganising and amalgamating Northumberland's Parish Councils in Rural District Council areas.

Some of the Councils now in Newcastle are included.

These have been added for historical interest. Please do not treat them as necessarily being up-to-date as there has been variations to boundaries etc. in subsequent decades.

2017 Councillor Census Results

This is a summary of the electronic survey conducted in March 2017, before the Northumberland elections in May 2017.